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Unit 7 Group Work Reflection

Unit 7 Group Work Reflection

Q Introduction This assignment asks you to reflect on the group project you completed this unit. You will reflect on what you learned and help your instructor understand your how your group worked on this project. Instructions Download Rating Scale for Group WorkDownload Rating Scale for Group Work and on the document you will complete the following: 1. Rate each member of your group (including yourself). 2. Answer each of these questions in 1-5 sentences each. o How did your group select the problem you wanted to solve? o How would solving this problem be different if you were working on this individually? o As you worked on this project, what did you learn about collaborative-problem solving and group work? How will you use what you learned in this project as you move ahead? Due Date Sunday, 11:59 p.m., CT. Rubric LE100 Unit 7 Group Work Reflection Rubric LE100 Unit 7 Group Work Reflection Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCompletion Did the student participate in the activity as assigned? Did the student fulfill all parameters of the assignment? 10 to >0.0 pts Full Completion Student fulfilled all assigned elements of the activity. 0 pts No Completion Student did not complete the activity. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEffective Practices of University Students: Self-Monitoring Did the student reflect on their own contribution to the group's work and identify what they learned about collaborative problem solving? 20 to >18.0 pts Outstanding Student thoroughly reflects on their own contribution to the group's work and identifies specific elements of what they learned about collaborative problem solving. 18 to >14.0 pts Developing Student reflects on their own contribution to the group's work and identifies what they learned about collaborative problem solving, but these could be developed further. 14 to >0 pts Needs Improvement Student has not reflected on their own contribution to the group's work or has not identified what they learned about collaborative problem solving. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection Did the student reflect on the contributions of each group member? 20 to >14.0 pts Outstanding Student thoroughly reflects on the contributions of each group member, using the assigned framework. 14 to >0 pts Needs Improvement Student has not reflected on the contributions of each group member, using the assigned framework. 20 pts Total Points: 50 PreviousNext

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1. How did your group select the problem you wanted to solve? I suggested we all post a topic by Wednesday at noon. Then Wednesday morning I sent another email with my problem and Christina sent a problem as well. Later Alexander sent an email agreeing with my topic and Christina agreed as well. I never heard from Madison. So, we went with my problem. 2. How would solving this problem be different if you were working on this individually? I would have gotten this done a bit faster and I would have allowed myself more time to research and be a bit more detail oriented as that’s my way of approaching assignments.